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Samuel Boardman State Park
Spectacular Scenery along Miles of the Southern Oregon Coast
Visit Oregon

Land and sea collide at Samuel H. oardman State Scenic Corridor, creating rock monoliths and seastacks off shore. The park was named for the first Oregon Parks superintendent. The park is known for its tidepools, where visitors can scramble out among the rocks during low tide and view starfish, sea urchins, crabs, anemones, and other creatures.
The portion of the Oregon Coast Trail that runs through Curry County begins at Cape Ferrelo and ends at Humbug Mountain State Park.
Toll Free: 800-551-6949
(Grants Pass) Flery Manor Bed and Breakfast
() Samuel Boardman State Park
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03/31 Coming to The area Spring Thaw Mountain Bike Festival Ashland OR May18-19 The Spring Thaw is Oregon's largest mountain bike event. Azalea Festival Brookings OR May24-26 The community-wide festival includes a parade, street fair, art show, car show, flower & quilt shows, breakfasts and BBQ's