The Oregon Tourism Commission maintains staffed travel information centers at key points throughout the state. - Astoria...On the highway through Astoria, on the south side of the street, a few blocks east of the Columbia River Bridge
- Brookings...On the west side of Hwy 101, just north of the California border
- Ashland...North of the city on I-5
- Klamath Falls...9 miles north of the California border on Hwy 97
- Lakeview...Downtown, 15 miles from California border
- Ontario...1/2 mile from Idaho border on I84
- Oregon City...At the End of the Oregon Trail Museum
- Portland Airport
- Umatilla...Off 2nd Street at foot of Brownell Blvd, adjacent to Umatilla Bridge
The facilities that housed the state welcome center in Seaside are now operated independently by the Seaside Chamber. The welcome center at Jantzen Beach in Portland is closed, but visitors can get information downtown from Portland Oregon Visitors Association.
Other County Parks Departments nearby:
(.Warrenton) Camp Kiwanilong
() State of Oregon Welcome Centers
Request a Free copy of the Mile-by-Mile Guide to the Oregon Coast, which will be delivered to your USA postal address. Also request a free first issue of Oregon Coast magazine and sign up for coast deals.
03/31 Coming to The area Sunset Herb Festival Sunset LA May4 Featuring Yard art, Fresh herbs, Native plants, Herbal products, Plants and flowers, Food and Fund for kids. Orchard In Bloom Indianapolis IN May3-5 Get ideas from garden displays created by renowned local landscape designers. Stroll through the garden markets in search of the perfect accessory for home or garden. Bring the whole family to enjoy live music and children’s activities. Savor delicious food from the Garden Café while listening to gardening experts share their secrets for success. Tomato Festival Chalmette LA May3-5 Raw and Grilled Oysters, Tomato-a-la-Chalmette, BBQ Shrimp, Jambalaya, Shrimp Fettuccini, Crawfish Fried Rice, Italian Sausage, Pizza, Funnel Cakes, Chicken Strips, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and much more. Mission Family Fun Festival Mission KS May11 Mission Family Fun Festival is a fun-filled two day event that provides a wide variety of activities and entertainment for the whole family: fine arts and crafts; delicious food; and lively entertainment in a comfortable, relaxed environment that exemplifi es the City of Mission!
Sunflower Balloon Fest Anthony IA May10-12 If you have never experienced the thrill of watching a bevy of colorful hot air balloons rise majestically from green pasture to blue sky, you can’t imagine what you’re missing. The event will feature hot air balloons of all shapes, size and colors, as well as a multitude of family-friendly activities. Sunflower Balloon Fest Anthony KS May10-12 If you have never experienced the thrill of watching a bevy of colorful hot air balloons rise majestically from green pasture to blue sky, you can’t imagine what you’re missing. The event will feature hot air balloons of all shapes, size and colors, as well as a multitude of family-friendly activities.