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Search Tiverton Rhode Island

Tiverton was originally incorporated in 1694, as part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. A long boundary dispute between Rhode Island and Massachusetts was settled in 1746, and Tiverton, by Royal Decree, together with the Towns of Cumberland, Barrington, Bristol and Little Compton was annexed to RI. The town was incorporated in 1747.

In its early day, Tiverton was chiefly a farming community with fishing and boat construction. Until 1900 the manufacture of menhaden oil, a fish derivative, was one of the primary industrial pursuits. Cotton and woolen mills were established as early as 1827. Recent years have seen Tiverton grow as a summer resort and residential area. Most development hes been concentrated in the area known as North Tiverton.

Tiverton is located in Newport County just northeast of Portsmouth between North Tiverton and Tiverton Four Corners along Highway 177 on the banks of the Sakonnet River River near Mt Hope Bay. Tiverton is part of the Providence-Fall River-Warwick metro area.

Art Donovan Gallery |
Residential and Commercial Real Estate T. L. Holland Real Estate | Location: Tiverton Rhode Island 02878

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03/08 Coming to The Tiverton area
Hebron Maple Festival Hebron CT March16-17 Each year thousands of people come from miles around to enjoy and experience the weekend of maple related events.
7th Annual Great International Spring Beer Festival Providence RI April20 Your Beer Festival Admission Ticket will allow you UNLIMITED SAMPLING of more than 250 brewers, live music, food and MUCH MORE at the Rhode Island Convention Center.
New England Folk Festival Mansfield MA April19-21 A fabulous blend of dance, music, crafts, and food from many lands.
Connecticut Sheep, Wool and Fiber Festival Vernon CT April27 The festival, started in 1909 by the CT Sheep Breeders Association, as a program ""to promote the keeping of sheep in Connecticut"", has evolved and expanded into a premier sheep and fiber festival by providing exhibits, demonstrations and over 60 vendors from the sheep, wool and fiber arena.
Spring Plant Sale Westford NH April27 The Middlesex Conservation District will be holding its annual Spring Plant Sale at the 4H Fairgrounds.
Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival vernon CT April27 The festival started in 1909 by the CT Sheep Breeders Association as a program “to promote the keeping of sheep in Connecticut” has evolved and expanded into a premier sheep and fiber festival.