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West Greenwich

Search West Greenwich Rhode Island

The "Vacant Land Tract" lying to the west of the Town of East Greenwich was the favorite hunting grounds of the Narragansett Indians. Game animals were abundant and the Big River and Wood River were fished for salmon and trout. Several wigwams and early shelters were built in the Mishnock area, and the woods surrounding Nooseneck and Rattlesnake Ledge.

The settlers of West Greenwich were a hardy and handy lot accustomed to hard work and the use of the gun and axe. After the American Revolution farming and lumbering became the main occupations of the townspeople. During the Civil War manufacturing goods took precedence and contributed considerably to the town's development during this period.

West Greenwich is located in Kent County southeast of Warwick along Highway 102 near Wickaboxet State Forest.

Sports and Sporting Events Stepping Stone Ranch |
Wildlife Viewing Big River Veterinary Service | Location: West Greenwich Rhode Island 02817

See more Rhode Island Cities and Towns.

03/08 Coming to The West Greenwich area
Hebron Maple Festival Hebron CT March16-17 Each year thousands of people come from miles around to enjoy and experience the weekend of maple related events.
7th Annual Great International Spring Beer Festival Providence RI April20 Your Beer Festival Admission Ticket will allow you UNLIMITED SAMPLING of more than 250 brewers, live music, food and MUCH MORE at the Rhode Island Convention Center.
New England Folk Festival Mansfield MA April19-21 A fabulous blend of dance, music, crafts, and food from many lands.
Connecticut Sheep, Wool and Fiber Festival Vernon CT April27 The festival, started in 1909 by the CT Sheep Breeders Association, as a program ""to promote the keeping of sheep in Connecticut"", has evolved and expanded into a premier sheep and fiber festival by providing exhibits, demonstrations and over 60 vendors from the sheep, wool and fiber arena.
Spring Plant Sale Westford NH April27 The Middlesex Conservation District will be holding its annual Spring Plant Sale at the 4H Fairgrounds.
Connecticut Sheep and Wool Festival vernon CT April27 The festival started in 1909 by the CT Sheep Breeders Association as a program “to promote the keeping of sheep in Connecticut” has evolved and expanded into a premier sheep and fiber festival.