The Treasure of North Pole, Alaska: This children's book OR souvenir photo book is available in North Pole, Alaska at: Santaland RV Park, Santa Claus House, NP City Hall, and North Pole Styling in the NP mall, Santa Senior Center, Alma's B&B, and Brenda's Art Studio, & in Fairbanks, at Arctic Wonder Gift Shop, Botanical Garden Gift Shop at UAF, Fairbanks Arts Association in Pioneer Park, Pick n' Poke at Pioneer Park, Twig's Gifts at the airport, Eldernet, and Gulliver's Books.
Three historical novels by Belinda Jo Adams.
Beyond the Mountains, Silent Love and My Precious Jewel.
Belinda Jo's Books and Things also features other books. Available at
craft shows in the local area or online at Belinda Jo's site.