Originally called the "North Slope Haul Road", this road connects Elliott Hwy to Deadhorse near Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean. The highway was completed in 1974 to service the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. It is a 414-mile gravel road open all year and parallels the Trans-Alaska Pipeline from the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay.
For information on the pipeline, contact Alyeska Pipeline Service Co, 1835 S Bragaw St, Anchorage AK 99512. The BLM controls the 2.1 million acres of tundra and wilderness between the Yukon River and Pump Station No 3.
For information, Bureau of Land Management, Northern Field Office, 1150 University Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99709. Phone 907-474-2200 (or toll-free 1-800-437-7021). The road is rough and headlights should be on at all times. Vehicles should carry extra mounted tires.
Click here for the Bureau of Land Managment North Field Office..