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Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau

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Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau is at First Ave and Cushman St where a nearby marker shows the end of the Alaska Hwy at Mile 1523. The city offers a variety of winter sports including cross-country skiing, downhill skiing and dog mushing.

There are sled dog races in February, an ice festival and Native Arts festival in March, Golden Days in July, World Eskimo Indian Olympics in July, Summer Arts Festival, also in July. The Tanana Valley/Alaska State Fair is mid-August.

Phone 907-456-INFO for daily recorded information.

Location: 550 First Ave, Fairbanks Alaska 99701 Telephone 907-456-5774 Toll Free: 800-327-5774

Other Sources of Alaska Information nearby:
(Fairbanks) Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau
(Fairbanks) Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau

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03/13 Coming to The Fairbanks area