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Goose Lake Gallery

Search Denali National Park Alaska

Just outside Denali National Park and Preserve, Goose Lake Gallery shows a variety of unique and original art by Alaskan artists, as well as a complete line of artist Donna Gates King's work which depicts Alaska's scenic beauty, wildlife, and dog mushing in a variety of mediums.

While visiting the gallery, check out the Husky Homestead Tours where visitors will meet champion sled dogs on a 1-1/2 hour narrated kennel tour.

Goose Lake Gallery is open daily.

Location: PO Box 48, Denali National Park Alaska 99755 Telephone 907-683-2904 Fax 907-683-2903

Other Art nearby:
(Denali National Park) Goose Lake Gallery
(Denali National Park) Northern Lights Theatre

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03/06 Coming to The Denali National Park area