Located in southwestern Alaska between Kuskokwim Bay and Bristol Bay, 4.7 million acre Togiak Refuge is about 400 miles southwest of Anchorage. The refuge is bordered on the north by the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge and on the east by Wood-Tikchik State Park. The Auklun Mountains spread across 80% of the refuge.
Refuge rivers support all five species of Pacific salmon and large populations of other fish, including trout, char, grayling, and whitefish. Common land mammals include brown bear, moose, caribou, wolves and various other furbearers. Sea lions, walrus, and harbor seals inhabit coastal environments of the refuge. Despite its relative remoteness and limited accessibility, the refuge's many rivers and world-class rainbow trout, char, and grayling fishing attract many anglers from throughout the United States and Europe.