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Burnaby College

Search Vancouver British Columbia

Burnaby College has been providing career diploma programs and English Language programs, for both Canadian and international students. These programs are designed to give exceptional training that matches current job market demands. The long-serving faculty and staff constantly strive to ensure that the programs are on the cutting edge of the everchanging expectations of the various, demanding career markets.

Second location: 4th Floor, Metrotown Centre, #450 - 4800 Kingsway Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 4J2. Tel: 604-437-5711 / Fax: 604-437-8709

Location: #300 - 688 West Hastings Street, Vancouver British Columbia V6B 1P1 Telephone 604-684-9511 Fax 604-684-0626

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03/13 Coming to The Vancouver area
Berry Dairy Days Burlington WA June13-16 Fresh local strawberry shortcake, spectacular fireworks show, fabulous parades, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, entertainment stage with live music, nostalgic Berry Cool Car Show.
