Located along Highway 19 is Comox, the twin city of Courtenay and home base of the Canadian Forces. This fertile area's valley has been farmed since 1862. Visit the Filberg Lodge (circa 1890) which houses the art of painter/ornothologist, H.M. Laing.
Visitors to this Vancouver Island community may launch a boat or buy fresh halibut, salmon, prawns, or tuna off the boats at the Comox Dock or watch the sunset from the Comox dock that has beautiful views of the Glacier and the surrounding harbor. Also visit nearby Courtenay Museum or Cumberland Museum where fossil tours along the Puntledge River provide interesting insights of the area's prehistoric history.
In the winter, there is skiing at Mt Washington Resort and Forbidden Plateau. Just north of Comox, at Little River, you can take the ferry to Powell River, north of Vancouver on the mainland's Sunshine Coast.