Watch grizzly bears feast on salmon in an isolated coastal stream in Knight Inlet near Telegragh Cove on Vancouver Island. We view the bears from the safety of the Zodiac or a viewing stand. These fall tours are available from Aug 24 to October 25 and depart from Telegraph Cove, the premiere spot for watching killer whales in Johnstone Straits. Our Zodiacs have windscreens and we provide exposure suits for your comfort and safety. On the way home we stop at Mamalilaculla, an historical First Nations village site with longhouse beams and fallen totem poles.
In the spring and summer enjoy the majestic scenery of snow-capped mountains in Bute Inlet as we seek out the unique Black Bears that feed along the beaches at low tide. We run the ocean rapids of the Yuclataws as eagles power dive the back-eddies to snatch pollack stunned by the whirlpools. Our Bute Inlet trips depart Campbell River, BC. Lunch is pizza in the great outdoors!