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City Centre Florist

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City Centre Florist delivers only the highest quality roses, flower arrangements and gifts. The flowers are known for their quality, freshness and longevity. The professional florists are available to assist you in choosing the perfect floral arrangement or gift for any occasion.

Location: 402 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver British Columbia V5Y1N9 Telephone 604-877-0100 Toll Free: 800-585-3388

Other Shopping nearby:
(Richmond) Aberdeen Centre
(Burnaby) Adele-Rae Florist
(Vancouver) Aladdin Roses
(Coquitlam) Alura Hair Studio
(Vancouver) Amber-Market
(Bellingham) Ancient of Days Antiques and Collectibles

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03/13 Coming to The Vancouver area
Berry Dairy Days Burlington WA June13-16 Fresh local strawberry shortcake, spectacular fireworks show, fabulous parades, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, entertainment stage with live music, nostalgic Berry Cool Car Show.