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Northwest Rainforest Ecotours

Island Discovery & Training

Search Nanaimo British Columbia

Offering quality natural and cultural history ecotours on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, Nanaimo is the best kept secret of the islands.

Nationally Certified Heritage Interpreters who are university educated, knowledgeable and experienced guides will facilitate your group's leisurely and social exploration of topics such as Evening Beaver Watching, Introduction to Birding Skills, Newcastle Island: Canadian Pacific Steamship Company Resort, Time Travel: a natural and cultural history of Nanaimo and more! Since 1991.

Location: Nanaimo British Columbia V9R 6P3 Telephone Toll Free: 250-753-5246

Other Science nearby:
(Vancouver) Copper Sky Sailing Adventures
(Cowichan Bay) Marine Ecology Station
(Nanaimo) Northwest Rainforest Ecotours
(Nanaimo) Pacific Northwest Expeditions
(Salt Spring Island) Salt Spring Boat Tours
(Vancouver) Science World

Request a Free copy of the Mile-by-Mile Guide to the Oregon Coast, which will be delivered to your USA postal address. Also request a free first issue of Oregon Coast magazine and sign up for coast deals.

03/14 Coming to The Nanaimo area
Berry Dairy Days Burlington WA June13-16 Fresh local strawberry shortcake, spectacular fireworks show, fabulous parades, Kiwanis Salmon BBQ, entertainment stage with live music, nostalgic Berry Cool Car Show.
Chief Seattle Days Suquamish WA August16-19 The Coastal Jam, a Pow Wow with competition dancing and drumming, a parade, Fun Runs, craft and food vendor booths, and the Chief Seatle Days Youth Royalty Pageant.