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Prophet River Provincial Recreation Area

Search Fort St John British Columbia

Open for camping from May to October, the area is at Mile 217 of the Alaska Highway 97. The 45 camping sites have dry toilets. Fishing is popular with park visitors. A camping fee is charged from May to September, payment is cash only.

This is just one of hundreds of British Columbia Provincial Parks.

Location: 250, 10003 - 110th Avenue, Fort St John British Columbia V1J 6M7 Telephone 250-787-3407

Other British Columbia Provincial Parks nearby:
(Fort St John) Beatton Provincial Park
(Fort St John) Buckinghorse River Provincial Park
(Fort St John) Charlie Lake Provincial Park
(Fort St John) Gwillim Lake Provincial Park
(Fort St John) Kiskatinaw Provincial Park
(Fort St John) Liard River Hot Spring Provincial Park

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03/06 Coming to The Fort St John area