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Shuswap Lake Provincial Park

Search Kamloops British Columbia

The campground is located on the north shore of Shuswap Lake. To reach it, turn off Highway 1 (The Transcanada Highway) at Squilax and take the road northeast for 19 km/12 mi. There are flush toilets, free hot showers and a sani-station. Visitors to the park enjoy the playground, nature house, and visitor programs. A fee is charged from April to October. This is one of the more popular provincial campgrounds and the fees are somewhat higher than at many other parks. Reservations are accepted.

This is just one of hundreds of British Columbia Provincial Parks.

Location: 1210 McGill Road, Kamloops British Columbia V2C 6N6 Telephone 250-851-3000

Other British Columbia Provincial Parks nearby:
(Kamloops) Adams Lake Provincial Recreation Area
(Kamloops) Bridge Lake Provincial Park
(Kamloops) Goldpan Provincial Park
(Kamloops) Herald Provincial Park
(Kamloops) Juniper Beach Provincial Park
(Kamloops) Lac Le Jeune Provincial Park

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03/06 Coming to The Kamloops area