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The Atomium is a monument in the tradition of the Eiffel Tower of Paris, constructed for the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels. It is a giant model of a crystalline metal molecule, 102 meters tall. It was intended to symbollize faith in scientific progress and peaceful cooperation among nations. The spheres representing the individual atoms are hollow, and measure nearly 20 meters across. The "Panorama Room" at the top is often outfitted as restaurant for special functions. The half-sculpture/half-building was not intended to be permanent, but its immense popularity has motivated the Belgian government to find funds for its continual renewal and upkeep, ensuring its survival.

Tel: +32 / 02 475 47 77

Fax : +32 / 02 475 47 79

Location: Boulevard du Centenaire, Brussels 1020

Other History nearby:
(Antwerp) Antwerp Museum of Folklore
(Antwerp-Deurne) Antwerp Silver Museum Sterckshof
(Gent) Archaeological Museum of Bijloke Abbey
(Brussels) Atomium
(Beloeil-Aubechies) Aubechies Archaeological Site
(Brussels) Autoworld

02/10 Coming to The Brussels area
