This once thriving community in the middle of a once bustling ranching area is located southwest of Redding on County Road A16. The road originates near downtown Redding. A16 heads out of town, through the suburbs and meanders through the upper reaches of the Sacramento Valley, full of rolling hills and pastoral valleys. The road passes Igo and on to another California Old West town called Ono an on into the Shasta-Trinity National Forest.
Neither of these communities has much population or commercial activity these days, but gold was the fever that brought prospectors to those lonely valleys. High pressure water jets, (gold sluicing operations), were popular in the 1850s and left huge mounds of gravel still plainly seen from the road.
Summer weather here is hot and dry, extending well into the fall. Short winters are cool and wet, but soon give way to a short but glorious spring. The field grass is dried to a golden brown by May.
This is another “Corvette Road” just far enough off the beaten track to be unaffected by most tourism, but a favorite of those who discover it’s secrets………..Igo is part of the Redding, California metro area.