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Centennial Village Museum

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Historical structures are featured on the grounds of this museum. Include within the 5-acre grounds is the first county courthouse. Guided tours of the facility are offered, as are special events throughout the year.

Location: 1475 A St, Greeley Colorado 80631 Telephone 970-350-9220

Other History nearby:
(Greeley) 1870 Meeker Home
(Eaton) Antique Washing Machine Museum
(Boulder) Boulder Museum of History
(Greeley) Centennial Village Museum
(Loveland) Colorado Computer Museum
(Estes Park) Estes Park Area Historical Museum

03/16 Coming to The Greeley area
Denver Greek Festival Denver CO June14-17 Traditional Greek dancing by the Hellenic Dance Academy of Denver and music by Etho Ellas. There is plenty of homemade food and pastries from throughout Greece to satisfy any appetite.
Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival Breckenridge CO July13 This event offers brews, views and free live music and features unlimited beer tasting from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Winter Park Alpine Artaffair Winter Park CO July20-21 Featuring Fine Arts & Fine Crafts, Jewelry, Photography, Metalwork, Mixed Media, Pottery, Painting, Glass, Wood, Fiber and More.
Keystone Bluegrass and Beer Festival Keystone CO August3-4 Down-home cooking, frothy flavors and mountain music are just a piece of the pie. In a whirlwind of hillbilly luxuries, folks gather while 30 microbreweries from Colorado and beyond showcase their unique blends of hops and barleys.
Lafayette Peach Festival Lafayette CO August17 500 fresh peach pies and individual servings of peach cobbler while supplies last, are available for sale at Festival Plaza and in front of the Main Stage near Lafayette Florist.
Scottish/Irish Highland Festival Estes Park CO September5-8 The Longs Peak Scottish/Irish Highland Festival has grown from four families on a Saturday afternoon to one of the most prestigious Celtic Festivals in North America.The world renowned festival has hosted world champion pipe bands, jousting, clogging competitions, dog shows featuring breeds of the British Isles, battle dioramas from famous events such as Waterloo, Scottish and Irish dance festivals, and oodles more.