Henry V belonged to the House of Lancaster. Born in 1387, he ascended to the throne in 1413 and died in 1422. He was preceded as monarch by Henry IV and was succeeded by Henry VI.
The ravages of privateers from Normandy made an invasion of France popular. In September, 1415, an English force landed in France, and on October 25, Henry won the battle of Agincourt. In 1417, a second invasion took place and Rouen was captured. In 1420, the Treaty of Troyes was signed. Henry became regent of France and married the French princess Catherine. For the rest of his life, Henry was occupied in anglicizing Normandy, and in checking risings in France against the English predominance. In 1421, the dauphin defeated and killed Henry's brother, the duke of Clarence at Beauge, but in 1422, Henry captured Meaux. He died in Vincennes and was buried in Westminster Abbey.