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Westminster Abbey

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An architectural masterpiece of the 13th- to 16th-centuries, Westminster Abbey presents a unique pageant of British history including the Confessors Shrine, the tombs of Kings and Queens, and countless memorials to the famous and the great. It has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other Royal occasions. Today, it is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the British nation. Over three thousand people are either buried or memorialised in Westminster Abbey. Notable among these is the Unknown Warrior, whose grave, close to the west door, has become a place of pilgrimage. Guided tours, special services, organ recitals. St Margaret's Church, which stands just outside the North door, is open daily; admission is free.

Location: Dean's Yard, London SW1P 3P Telephone 20 7495 5504 Fax 20 7495 5323

Other History nearby:
(Abbeville) Abbeville County Museum
(Aldershot) Airborne Forces Museum
(London) Bank of England Museum
(London) Banqueting House
(Basingstoke) Basing House Ruins
(Petersfield) Bear Museum

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