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Fern Grotto

Search Wailua - Kauai Hawaii

This point of interest is reached by excursion boats leaving Wailua River Marina west of Hwy 56. The 90 minute trip on the longest navigable river in Hawaii passes riverbanks covered with pandanus, hau trees and pili grass, once used as thatch.

The grotto is a short walk from the upper landing, with a cave under a small waterfall surrounded by ferns.

Location: Kuhio Hwy, Wailua - Kauai Hawaii

(Lawai) Allerton Garden
(Wailua - Kauai) Fern Grotto
(Lihue) Island Helicopters
(Nawiliwili) Kalapaki Beach
(Kekaha) Kekaha Beachpark
(Kilauea) Kilauea Lighthouse

03/06 Coming to The Wailua - Kauai area
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RED CLAY JAZZ FESTIVAL Kauai HI June26-29 Blues as well as Jazz!!
Greek Festival of Hawaii Honolulu HI August24-25 Enjoy Greek foods, Greek coffee, music and entertainment at Hawaii's original Greek festeival.