Lihue Airport handles most of the flights in and out of Kauai Island. It is located three miles east of Lihue and has a spacious, contemporary terminal. The Lihue Airport Visitor Information Center is just outside the baggage claim area. The visitor info centers are open daily and can answer questions and provide literature. Phone 808-246-1440 for visitor info.
Lihue Hawaii
Other Airports of Hawaii nearby:
(Lihue) Lihue Airport
03/06 Coming to The Lihue area Pan-Pacific Ho'olaule'a Honolulu HI June7 It is one of the largest outdoor multi-cultural exhibits of its kind in the state of Hawaii and it happens in beautiful Waikiki, right on Kalakaua Avenue! RED CLAY JAZZ FESTIVAL Kauai HI June26-29 Blues as well as Jazz!! Greek Festival of Hawaii Honolulu HI August24-25 Enjoy Greek foods, Greek coffee, music and entertainment at Hawaii's original Greek festeival.