Boulevard of the Cats - It is here, not Paris, that you see
The Boulevard of Cats beneath shade trees that lead to fountains and ponds.
Wild Animals - Over 100 different types of animals on the 10-acre estate of wide-varied plant life, waterways, educational center, cafe and gift shop.
A Tail for a Scarf - The longer the cat tail, the steeper its natural terrain. That's why the zoo's snow leopard-the Ghost of the Himalayas has an unusually long tail as a "balancing rod" & as a "scarf" for its throat against cold.
We also feature: Moose, black bear, grizzlies, Andean condors, 2 bald eagles, zebra, otters, weasels, beavers, bighorn sheep and so much more.
Hours:Open daily from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, except New Year's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Location:Zoo Boise is located in Julia Davis Park. Close to downtown Boise, enter either off Capitol Blvd at Battery St or off Myrtle St at 3rd Ave.