The county seat of Shoshone County, Idaho, is Wallace. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 13,654, a decrease of 277 over the 1990 census. For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site. Additional information is available at these pages:
Wallace Idaho
Other Idaho Counties nearby:
(St Maries) Benewah County
(Coeur D'Alene) Kootenai County
(Wallace) Shoshone County
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03/16 Coming to The Wallace area Buttermilk Festival Kamiah ID April6 Learn to make butter the old fashioned way with a modern day twist, and then enjoy your creation on some fresh baked Dutch oven bread. Take in the pancake breakfast, Buttermilk Bowl bowling tournament, horse plop 50/50 raffle, variety of vendors and live music throughout the day. Pierce 1860 Days Celebration Pierce ID August2-4 Celebrating the founding of the First Gold Rush Town in Idaho! Fun for the whole music, street dance, parade, games, costume contest, ATV Fun Run, Dutch Oven cooking, craft & food vendors, softball tournament, and more. Festival at Sandpoint Sandpoint ID August1-11 Since 1983, the non-profit Festival at Sandpoint has hosted its internationally renowned summer concert series in a casual and relaxed atmosphere at Memorial Field, in Sandpoint, Idaho. The Festival is an audience-friendly, customized concert experience without equal. Bitterroot Scottish Irish Festival Hamilton MT August24-25 Compete, play, and dance this August at the Marcus Daly Mansion. Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival Moscow ID February20-23 You'll see the best at this four day musical extravaganza in Moscow. The World's greatest jazz artists conduct workshops and clinic by day and perform in star studded concerts at night.