Pop. Est. 1998 was 10,594, a decrease of 62 since 1990. Elevation: 290 meters (950 feet)
Atchison is located in the Northeast Region of the state, in Atchison County (of which it is the county seat), south of St Joseph along Highway 73. The town is situated on the bank of the Missouri River near Atchison State Fishing Lake. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 10,594, a decrease of 62 since 1990.
Atchison's famous people include Amelia Earhart and the Amelia Earhart Birthplace. The town has a variety of historical museums and historical buildings. The 100 year old Atchison County Courthouse is still in daily use. Just outside Atchison is the July, 04 1804 Lewis & Clark campsite.