Located in the South Central Region of the state, in SW Sumner County. Pop. (2000)1284, Elev. 1149, founded in 1871.
The downtown area is full of old stone buildings and historical markers; plan to spend some time just walking around. Hway US-81 and K-49 pass through Caldwell and the Union Pacific serves Caldwell over track once owned by the Rock Island Line connecting Wichita and nearby Enid.
There's a little park with a pleasant gazebo across Main Street from the Stock Exchange Bank. One of Caldwell's many murals graces the adjoining wall. There is also a more extensive park with a pool on the West side of town. The Post Office is a gracious Depression-era brick building. Inside, there's a mural entitled Cowboys Driving Cattle by Kenneth Evett. Caldwell is one of the few towns where the graveyard is a neat place to visit. Check with the Chamber of Commerce about the "Talking Tombstones".
The 1912 Carnegie library still serves Caldwell and has a good collection of Kansas references.