Named in honor of the distinguished Kentucky statesman, Henry Clay. Pop. (2000) 4564, Elev. 1201 feet. Located northwest of Junction City off Highway 24, Clay Center is the county seat of Clay County. Founded along the eastern bank of the Republican River in the Central Region of the state. The nearest large body of water is Milford Lake to the south.
The soil a rich, black loam four to ten feet in depth. The drainage of most of this land is good, with a gradual slope towards the river whose bed is sufficiently deep to prevent extensive overflows.
The principal building material, besides an excellent quality of brick clay, is limestone, which abounds in vast quantities, and in all qualities, in every part of the county.
Indian, (Native American) troubles and raids both before and after the Civil War caused many settlers to seek refuge at Clay Center.
The Clay County Fairgrounds in Clay Center hosts regular auto racing on it's dirt track.