Founded: 1886, Population: 2,975 (2000), Elevation: 1,845 feet.
Located in Barton County. Near the center of Kansas and the continental United States, Hoisington has access to interstate highways in both directions and is in the center of regional medical complexes within an hour in both directions.
Combining a rich history as a railroad town, oil town, and farming community with today's mix of agricultural production, manufacturing with a low-cost labor pool creates a stable economic environment. Additionally, Hoisington is surrounded by two and four year colleges all within an hour's drive.
The new Community Activity Center will be shared by the School District and the Recreation Commission. The biggest part is the gym, in the center of the building, with its walking track on the upper level.
Hoisington is the center of a vast hunting and fishing paradise and is home, (at Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge), to the bi-annual migration of the endangered Whooping Cranes.