Founded: 1876, Population: 1427 (1990) 1,376 (2000), Elevation: 2060 ft. Located in the North Central Region of the state, in Rush County, (County Seat), northwest of Great Bend and along Highway 183 at Highway K-4, 26 mi. south of I-70. This town is situated in the midst of a large and prosperous farming and stock raising area. Grass Park on the south side of town has the three museums as well as a marker honoring educator Howard R. Barnard. The City Park on the east side of Main Street has beautiful shelters and small buildings made from "post rock" limestone. Special Events at La Crosse: - The Rush County Fair is held there in August.
- Every May, La Crosse hosts the Barbed Wire Swap Meet. The headquarters of the Kansas Barbed Wire Collectors Association is at the Barbed Wire Museum.
Kansas Counties Rush County |
120 W 1st St, LaCrosse Kansas
See more Kansas Cities and Towns.
01/10 Coming to The LaCrosse area Wild West Festival Hays City KS July3-6 A typical Kansas fair -- parade, big name music stars, games, demonstrations, competitions and shows, including fireworks. Dodge City Days Dodge City KS July26-August4 The 10-day celebration hosts more than 50 events including Q-97 FM DODGE CITY DAYS COUNTRY Concert,
the top-rated Dodge City Days Rodeo,
a 2-day Indoor Craft show with over 200 crafters from a 10-state area,
KidFest, and
Professional Barbecue Contest.
Kansas State Fair Hutchinson KS September6-15 Each year, over 400,000 visitors flock to the Kansas State Fair to visit a wide array of exhibits, partake in fabulous Fair food, and see the amazing butter sculpture.