Founded: 1873, Pop.: 2060 (1990) 2,316 (2000), Elev.: 3001 ft.
Lakin is located in Kearny County, (County Seat), one of the fastest growing counties in Kansas. It's on the north side of the Arkansas River at the intersection of Highways US-50 and K-25.
Lakin offers a fine parks system. Beymer Park, 3 miles south, is an excellent recreation area. Loucks Park is on the west side beside US50; it's got ballfields, playgrounds, picnic areas and a golf course. Highway US-50 and the AT&SF railroad follow the path of the old "Mountain Route" of the Santa Fe trail through the area. Wagon ruts are still visible east of town. There's also a historical marker beside highway 50 about Chouteau's Island, scene of a nineteenth century battle with Pawnee indians.
INDUSTRY: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining followed by Construction.