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Search Marysville Kansas

Founded: 1851, Pop.: 3271 (2000), Elev.: 1202 feet. Located in Marshall County, (county seat) and N of Manhattan between Washington and Seneca. Marysville is along US Hwy-36. A beautiful and prosperous town on the banks of the Blue River. This community is on a hilly location; the main downtown street slopes up from the U. P. tracks to a beautiful church. Shady streets lined with gracious Victorian homes add to its charm.

The City Park has a sod house, a little red schoolhouse, a steam locomotive, a new theme playground and a 1901 Union Pacific depot. It also has the famous black squirrels; they really are coal black!

Marysville hosted the first civilian Post Office in the Territory of Kansas. Many historical trails crossed here. Marysville was located on the Oregon Trail, the Mormon Trail, and the route of the Pony Express, the St. Joe Road, the Overland Stage, The Military Road, and the Missouriana-Otoe Trail. The old Pony Express Station still stands in downtown Marysville.

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03/06 Coming to The area
Swedish Festival Stromberg NE June14-16 Welcome to Stromsberg, the Swede capital of Nebraska. Swedish dancing, costumes, and food can be enjoyed throughout the festivities.
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