Thomas Powell Appraisers specializes in the appraisal of real estate for any purpose or type of property. There are three full-time appraisers. Appraisal is their only business...they perform market-value appraisals for collateral valuation for financial institutions as well as other appraisal work, including court related matters, condemnations, estates, and determining market value before buying or selling a property. They are approved for HUD, FHA and VA appraisal work. They are always accessible and will schedule appointments at the client's convenience, including evenings and weekends.
PO Box 674, 7 N Jefferson, Iola Kansas 66749
316 365-2411 Fax 316-365-2485
Other Residential and Commercial Real Estate nearby:
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(Iola) Tom Powell Appraisals
03/06 Coming to The Iola area OK Mozart Festival Bartlesville OK June9-15 Oklahoma's Premier Music Festival,
OK Mozart brings the highest quality professional musical and cultural experience to the state of Oklahoma and the middle United States. Heart of America Shakespeare Festival Kansas City MO June18-July7 The Heart of America Shakespeare Festival is set under the stars in South Moreland Park near Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. It is a perfect way to spend a summer evening with family and friends. They have several programs to study and explore such as Speaker's Bureau and Poster and Sonnet Contest. The faculty includes theatre professionals, actors, and educators experienced in performing and teaching Shakespeare. Many of the instructors are veterans of festival productions. Greater Kansas Citry Japan Festival Kansas City MO October6 Cekebrating the cultural of Japan.