This working re-creation of the historic stockade built by Daniel Boone in 1775 features blockhouses, cabins, and period furnishings. On-site artisans demonstrate 18th-century trades, skills, and pioneer life for visitors; museum tours detail Richmond-area heritage.
Recreation within the park includes self-guided riverside interpretive trails interpreting special features of the Kentucky River valley; native plants and wildlife, prehistoric and historic sites, and unusual geological sites can be accessed along trail routes, and abundant fishing is offered from several boat launches along the river. An Olympic-sized pool with a waterslide highlights the park's swimming complex; miniature golf, picnicing facilities, a campground, meeting space, and gift shop are available.
Special events are hosted throughout the year, including the Re-enactment of the Siege of Boonesborough in September. Open daily, April through October; hours vary the rest of the year.