Mooringsport, population 879, is located in Caddo Parish within the Sportsman's Paradise Region and was founded in 1837 as Mooring's Port by Timothy Mooring. Cotton was king and the magnificent steamboats plied Caddo Lake with bales of cotton on its way to manufacturers around the world. In 1914, as modes of transportation progressed, the Historic Caddo Lake Drawbridge at Mooringsport was built to replace the ferry. The Midland Bridge Company of Kansas City built the bridge under authority of the Caddo Parish Police Jury.
Mooringsport native Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter, a blues singer and songwriter known as the King of the 12-String Guitar, lies buried in the nearby cemetery at Shiloh Baptist Church. Leadbelly was famous for songs such as Goodnight, Irene; Midnight Special; House of the Rising Sun; and The Ole Cotton Fields Back Home.
Also, the Town of Mooringsport has its annual Mooring's Port Fall Festival the second weekend in October.
Located northwest of Shreveport on Hwy 538.