The commune of Esch-sur-Sre, population 316, is located in northwestern Luxembourg, nestled on the inside of a hairpin bend in the Sure River. Castle ruins, from a tenth century fotress pulled down in 1795, stand astride the neck of the peninsula upon which the village sits. For a time, passage into the village was only possible by means of a tunnel dug beneath the castle, though a highway hugging the riverfront and bridges across the river have since made access effortless. There is a beautiful view of the Esch-sur-Sure from the ascending slope of the valley across the river.
The Sure was dammed near Esch-sur-Sure during the 1960s in order to meet the national need for drinking water and to provide energy by means of a hydro-electric power plant. The resulting Lake of the Upper Sure is now a major vacation spot.
The north-south N15 roadway and the N27 (which snakes alongside the east-west Sure) intersect just east of Esch-sur-Sre.