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Houlton Elementary School

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Houlton Elementary School houses grades Pre-K through grade three. It has approximately 375 students and 50 staff members. The goal is to foster not only academic growth, but also the development of the whole child. All programs and opportunities at Houlton Elementary are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, gender or handicap.

Location: 60 South Street, Houlton Maine 04730 Telephone 207-532-2285

Other Education nearby:
(Houlton) Houlton Elementary School
(Houlton) Houlton Southside School
(Millinocket) Millinocket Middle School
(Dyer Brook) Southern Aroostook Community School
(Houlton) Tree of Life School and Book Service
(Monticello) Wellington School

03/06 Coming to The Houlton area