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Central Michigan University

Search Mount Pleasant Michigan

Founded in 1892, this is a public university offering programs in liberal arts, business, and health, education, and human services. There are 6 undergradute schools and 1 graduate school. The 854 acre campus is in a small town 70 miles north of Lansing. Including residence halls there are 54 buildings.

Fraternities, sororities and over 221 clubs and organizations are on campus. Campus tours are available.

Location: Mount Pleasant Michigan 48859 Telephone 517-774-3076 Fax 517-774-7267

Other Education nearby:
(Mount Pleasant) Central Michigan University
(Big Rapids) Ferris State University
(St Charles) Hartley Outdoor Education Center
(Harrison) Mid Michigan Community College
(Sidney) Montcalm Community College

03/16 Coming to The Mount Pleasant area
National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable.
Annual Manchester Chicken Broil Manchester MI July18 Adelicious chicken dinner complete with half chicken, roll with butter, fresh made cole slaw with secret local recipe, radishes, chips and beverage. Entertainment and camaraderie are provided for your enjoyment along with an antique car show.
National Baby Food Festival Freemont MI July18-21 Show is rain or shine, no lawn chairs, no coolers, no strollers, no smoking or alcohol.
Paw Paw Wine and Harvest Festival Paw Paw MI August6-8 Choose from a hole in one contest, 5k walk/run, the Grape Escape Motorcycle Ride witht he Blue Knights of Southwest Michigan, Coca-Cola Grape Stomping competition, bicycle tour or now the new Grape Escape Golf Tournament.
Apple and BBQ Cook-Off Festival Hart MI September13-14 BBQ Cook-Off events, classic auto and truck show, dune buggy show, apple pie contest, beautiful baby contest. Farm fresh apples and craft show.
Harvest Moon Celebration Farmington MI September27-29 Find yourself in our small town celebrating Michigan's most glorious season during the Harvest Moon Celebration.
