Glen Oaks Community College is committed to excellence in teaching and learning, providing a supportive environment and maintaining high expectations for achievement. The Glen Oaks environment is characterized by a genuine, caring, concern for all individuals. Glen Oaks is committed to being an integral part of the community it serves. All citizens who can benefit should have access to the College's programs and services.
62249 Shimmel Road, Centreville Michigan 49032
616-467-9945 Toll Free: 888-994-7818
Other Education nearby:
(Three Rivers) Camp Eberhart
(St Joseph) Curious Kids Museum
(Centreville) Glen Oaks Community College
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(Kalamazoo) Kalamazoo Valley Community College
(Battle Creek) Kellogg Community College
03/16 Coming to The Centreville area Redbud Trail Rendezvous Rochester IN April27-28 See living history of frontier Midwest America, historic camps, music and dance of the period, traditional crafts, food cooked over wood fires, blanket trading, tomahawk and muzzle-loading shooting contests. The village has 40 wooden booths, traditional crafts, blanket trading and muzzle loading shooting matches. Tri-state Bluegrass Festival Kendallville IN May24-27 The goal that the board of directors has tried to achieve at these festivals is to provide high quality and a variety of entertainment in a family oriented atmosphere that encourages jamming. Mentone Egg Festival Mentone IN May30-June1 The three-day event features entertainment, games, food, a parade in the downtown area, a play area for kids, and a huge car, truck, motorcycle and tractor show. All entertainment events are free. Flea markets and crafters line the main street in our downtown. New Haven Canal Days Festival New Haven IN June4-8 The NHCD Festival Committee, which consists of a team of dedicated volunteers, community leaders, civic organizations, businesses, churches, and residents, have been working hard all year long to bring quality events to our community that will entertain the entire family. Med Flory Jazz and Blues Festival Logansport IN June7-8 Named for Grammy winning saxophonist and composer, Med Flory, the festival is a celebration of his artistic contributions and America's original art form, jazz music. Eight bands with performers from throughout the midwest and beyond play. You'll hear everything from swing, bebop, big band, RandB, funk, Chicago blues, vocal jazz, and New Orleans style jazz. Willkommen zum Germanfest Fort Wayne IN June2-9 Festival events located throughout Fort Wayne, Allen County, and northeast Indiana.