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Bearss Den Deer Farm

Search Cadillac Michigan

The Bearss Den, a privately owned and operated hunting ranch, is located just 6 miles north of Cadillac in beautiful Wexford County. It creates a place where individuals can enjoy a safe and exciting hunt. It provides unmatched hunting experiences for young hunters and handicap sportsmen. In addition to the outstanding hunting, the Bearss Den is also able to provide others raising whitetail deer quality breeding stock. Each year they have a fine selection of breeder bucks, bred does and fawns available for sale.

Location: 1871 S. 29 Mile Rd, Cadillac Michigan 49601 Telephone 231-779-2957

Other Sports and Sporting Events nearby:
(Baldwin) Baldwin Canoe Rental
(Cadillac) Bearss Den Deer Farm
(Cadillac) Cadillac Boat Shop
(Grayling) Carlisle Canoes Trips
(Beulah) Crystal Lake Marina
(Grayling) Hanson Hills Recreation Area

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