Iron Mountain is in Dickinson County (of which it is the county seat), and in the Northern Region. You can locate this community west of Escanaba along US Highway 2 on the banks of the Menominee River near Lake Antoine and the Wisconsin state line. Iron Mountain is one of the largest cities in the Upper Peninsula and offers everything from lush forests, miles of rivers and streams, four seasons of outdoor recreation and abundant wildlife, to malls, art and music festivals, museums, Pine Mountain Ski Jump, famous sport competitions, along with unique shopping and dining opportunities. For recreation, enjoy fishing, hiking and biking along with swimming, boating, horseback riding, whitewater rafting, golfing, canoeing, kayaking, and camping. Experience the thrill of spotting a bald eagle, a graceful deer. With the arrival of snow, you can experience skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, cross country, etc..
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03/15 Coming to The area Great Northern Beer Festival Eagle River WI June8 The Great Northern Beer Festival is a great opportunity to try many
different styles of beers from many different breweries. Finnfest USA Hancock MI June19-23 FinnFest USA is a festival with strong academic, cultural, and commerce components presenting Finnish and Finnish American culture and heritage. Cranberry Blossom Festival Wisconsin Rapids WI June20-23 More than 20 events including live music, a parade, arts and crafts, cranberry blossom tours, and culinary treats featuring Wisconsin's tart and tangy fruit, the cranberry! Ishpeming's Italian Fest Ishpeming MI July27 Visitors can once again enjoy homemade Italian food cooked by the Valela sisters (Teresa Bertucci, Catherine Carlson, Clara Joseph and Mary Jacobson). In addition, various vendors will be serving cudighis, Italian sandwiches, hot dogs, sno cones, ice cream novelties and much more. Pig in the Pines Ribfest St. Germain WI August1-3 The 9th Annual Pig In The Pines RibFest features award winning ribs, live music every day, family attractions and an all-around good time.