The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park is located in Michigan's western Upper Peninsula. The Park is situated on 60,000 acres, and encompasses the largest tract of old-growth timber in the Midwest. The Porcupine Mountains have almost 100 miles of hiking trails, with trailside campsites and cabins. Modern and semi-modern camping facilities are available at Union Bay and Presque Isle. The Porkies have more than 60 waterfalls, many of them easily accessible. Wildlife abounds in the Porkies, including whitetail deer and Midwest black bear.
POB 493, White Pine Michigan 49971
Other Michigan State Parks nearby:
(Manistee) Orchard Beach State Park
(White Pine) Porcupine Mountains State Park
(Traverse City) Traverse City State Park
03/17 Coming to The White Pine area MorelFest Boyne City MI May16-19 Each May, Boyne City fills with hundreds of mushroom lovers from around the country who come seeking that elusive delicacy-the marvelous morel. National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable. National Baby Food Festival Freemont MI July18-21 Show is rain or shine, no lawn chairs, no coolers, no strollers, no smoking or alcohol. Charlevoix Venetian Festival Charlevoix MI July20-27 What began as a simple candle-lit boat parade has grown into a week-long flurry of color and pageantry that highlights the summer season and attracts tens of thousands of visitors. Brat Days Sheboygan WI August1-3 Sheboygan Jaycees present the 60th annual Johnsonville Brat Days. All shows will be free this year. Mackinac Island Festival of the Horse Mackinac Island MI August8-11 Mackinac Island Carriage and Saddle Horse Parade, the Breeds of Mackinac presentation, musical kurs featuring the beautiful Friesians, lectures on the role of the horse in Mackinac's history.