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Ludington State Park

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A total of 398 campsites are located in the three campgrounds located at this park. All the campsites have electric hook-ups. The 5,300 acres of Ludington State Park offers large forests, trails, dunes, and beaches with swimming areas. Boat rentals are also available. Park is located eight miles north of Ludington.

Location: P O Box 709, Ludington Michigan 49431 Telephone 616-843-8671

Other Michigan State Parks nearby:
(Pentwater) Charles Mears State Park
(Mears) Hart-Montague Trail State Park
(Ludington) Ludington State Park
(Newaygo) Newaygo State Park
(Manistee) Orchard Beach State Park
(Mears) Silver Lake State Park

03/17 Coming to The Ludington area
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Beer Barons World of Beer Festival Milwaukee WI June1 Tired of beer festivals where you spend more time in line waiting for a beer than you do tasting them? Welcome to a small beer festival.
Antioch's Summer Summer Bazaar Antioch IL June15-16 The Faire have grown in size over the years to more than 140 booths of hand-crafted goods. Antioch's Faires attract crafters from all around the country. It's not unusual to meet crafters from California, Florida, Ohio, and the Carolinas.
Darboy Chickenfest Darboy WI June21-23 Free entertainment. Chicken dance contests with prizes. Pizza eating contest.
National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable.