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Good Tour Bed and Breakfast

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The Good Tour Bed and Breakfast has three guest rooms. All rooms have full baths with ceramic flooring and glass showers, armories, TV, ample room for hanging clothing, and storing luggage. It's a no pet and no smoking environment. Area attractions are Lumbermen's monument, Tuttle Marsh- wildlife refuge, Tawas point lighthouse, and antique shops.

Location: 2909 Indian Lake Road, National City Michigan 48748 Telephone 989-362-7047

Other Bed and Breakfasts and Country Inns nearby:
(National City) Good Tour Bed and Breakfast
(Glennie) Mrs. P’s Bed, Breakfast and Barn

03/06 Coming to The National City area
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National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable.
Charlevoix Venetian Festival Charlevoix MI July20-27 What began as a simple candle-lit boat parade has grown into a week-long flurry of color and pageantry that highlights the summer season and attracts tens of thousands of visitors.
St Helen Bluegill Festival St Helen MI January1 Crafter demonstrations, live music and entertainment, vendors, kids games, a medallion hunt, and great food. Sunday wraps up with the Grand Parade and Awards Ceremony.