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Richardson Jewelers

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Richardson Jewelers specializes in diamonds, gemstones and other fine jewelry. Collections include diamond studs, engagement rings, gent’s rings, gent’s wedding bands, ladies earrings, wedding and anniversary rings, wraps and guard rings, necklaces, pendant, pins, watches and bracelets.

Location: Lincoln Fair Plaza, 841 North Lincoln Road, Escanaba Michigan 49829 Telephone 906-789-1143 Toll Free: 888-533-3436 Fax 906-789-9671

Other Shopping nearby:
(Escanaba) Kathy's Gifts and Treasures
(Escanaba) Richardson Jewelers
(Escanaba) Victorian Gift House
(Cornell) Willow Hill Farm Candles

03/06 Coming to The Escanaba area
Finnfest USA Hancock MI June19-23 FinnFest USA is a festival with strong academic, cultural, and commerce components presenting Finnish and Finnish American culture and heritage.
National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable.
Charlevoix Venetian Festival Charlevoix MI July20-27 What began as a simple candle-lit boat parade has grown into a week-long flurry of color and pageantry that highlights the summer season and attracts tens of thousands of visitors.
Ishpeming's Italian Fest Ishpeming MI July27 Visitors can once again enjoy homemade Italian food cooked by the Valela sisters (Teresa Bertucci, Catherine Carlson, Clara Joseph and Mary Jacobson). In addition, various vendors will be serving cudighis, Italian sandwiches, hot dogs, sno cones, ice cream novelties and much more.