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Wilson State Park

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Wilson State Park has 160 modern campsites Each site has electric hookups and there are toilet and shower facilities as well as water for campers. Camping facilities open April 1 to December 1.

The park is located on Budd Lake, which is a 175-acre lake which has great fishing. A large fish population of muskalonge, bass, panfish, perch, and walleye inhabit the lake. Besides fishing, speed-boating and water-skiing are also popular activities on Budd Lake.

Location: 910 N. First St, Harrison Michigan 48625 Telephone 989-539-3021

Other Michigan State Parks nearby:
(Bay City) Bay City State Recreation Area
(Lupton) Rifle River Recreation Area
(Roscommon) S. Higgins Lake State Park
(Harrison) Wilson State Park

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