The county seat of Menominee County, Michigan, is Menominee. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 24,449, a decrease of 471 over the 1990 census. For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site. Additional information is available at these pages:
Menominee Michigan 49858
Other Michigan Counties nearby:
(Menominee) Menominee County
03/16 Coming to The Menominee area Montello's Fish-n-Fun Montello WI May3-5 Fly over the city in a helicopter, paddle down the Fox River like Marquette and Joliet in a guided canoe, munch on cotton candy between thrilling carnival rides, send the kids fishing with the pros on Montello Lake. Great Northern Beer Festival Eagle River WI June8 The Great Northern Beer Festival is a great opportunity to try many
different styles of beers from many different breweries. Darboy Chickenfest Darboy WI June21-23 Free entertainment. Chicken dance contests with prizes. Pizza eating contest. National Cherry Festival Traverse City MI June29-July6 The Grand Traverse region, known for its world-record tart cherry harvest, bursts with visitors eager to savor the flavor of cherries tucked into everything imaginable. Ishpeming's Italian Fest Ishpeming MI July27 Visitors can once again enjoy homemade Italian food cooked by the Valela sisters (Teresa Bertucci, Catherine Carlson, Clara Joseph and Mary Jacobson). In addition, various vendors will be serving cudighis, Italian sandwiches, hot dogs, sno cones, ice cream novelties and much more. Brat Days Sheboygan WI August1-3 Sheboygan Jaycees present the 60th annual Johnsonville Brat Days. All shows will be free this year.