The Grant County Historical Museum takes visitors back through time to relive the history of Grant County. A self-guided tour takes guests first to prehistoric times with a view of fossilized mammoth bones found near Herman. Succeeding displays go back to the time when Indians, both Sioux and Chippewa, roamed the area that is now Grant County. Contact with fur traders followed. See the oldest and crudest ox cart known to exist in the state of Minnesota. Made entirely of wood, including the axle, this cart was one of many used by fur traders on their journeys from Pembina to St. Paul. Displays at the museum depict the many aspects of pioneer life, from household to agricultural, to transportation. Among these exhibits is the recently acquired stagecoach that traveled many routes within the county. Also on museum grounds are a restored and furnished log cabin, circa 1865, and a rural school house.
Hwy 79, Elbow Lake Minnesota 56531
Other History nearby:
(Abercrombie) Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site
(Alexandria) Fort Alexandria Agricultural Exhibit
(Elbow Lake) Grant County Historical Museum
(Fergus Falls) Otter Tail County Historical Museum
(Glenwood) Pope County Historical Museum
(Wahpeton) Richland County Historical Museum
03/13 Coming to The Elbow Lake area Scandinavian Hjemkomst and Midwest Viking Festivals Moorhead MN June28-29 The Midwest Viking Festival is an outdoor gathering of craftsmen, musicians and living history enthusiasts, from throughout the upper Midwest, who specialize in bringing the Viking Age back to life. Pioneer Days Albany MN September13-15 Featuring Year of the TRACKS! Construction Equipment and Snowmobiles!