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Brookfield is located in Linn County. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 4,679, a decrease of 209 since 1990. Accommodations in Brookfield include Brookfield Country Inn, Brookfield Pines Motel, Martin House and Travel Inn.

Airports General John J. Pershing Meml Airport |

See more Missouri Cities and Towns.

03/28 Coming to The area
Burlington Steamboat Days Burlington IA June11-16 There are two stages on the concert grounds; the South Stage presents local bands and has two performances every evening, except Sunday night which has an early performance only. We also have a carnival midway with over 25 rides presented and many carnival games you can step up and play.
Glenn Miller Festival Clarinda IA June13-16 Hear exciting bands from around the world topped off by the World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra. Enjoy the new Glenn Miller Birthplace Museum and the Birthplace Home; stage shows; picnics; dances; historical displays; plus the fellowship of hundreds of Miller fans from around the world.
Farmington Strawberry Festival Farmington IA June14-16 Crafts, antiques, collectibles, games, and food booths are just a few of the things you will find lining the streets of the downtown area on these three days in June.
Heart of America Shakespeare Festival Kansas City MO June18-July7 The Heart of America Shakespeare Festival is set under the stars in South Moreland Park near Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. It is a perfect way to spend a summer evening with family and friends. They have several programs to study and explore such as Speaker's Bureau and Poster and Sonnet Contest. The faculty includes theatre professionals, actors, and educators experienced in performing and teaching Shakespeare. Many of the instructors are veterans of festival productions.

Promise Land Music Festival Ottumwa IA July12-13 Music Festival dedicated to bringing Fun, Affordable, Positive Entertainment to Southeast Iowa while introducing talented musicians to Southeast Iowa.
Greater Kansas Citry Japan Festival Kansas City MO October6 Cekebrating the cultural of Japan.