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Leven Cox's Duck and Goose Hunting

Search Sikeston Missouri

The Leven Cox's offers prime duck and goose hunting grounds in Sikeston, and have non-guided hunts. Duck season normally opens from November and continues through January. The goose season runs December to January. Cox will provide you lodging and all the Illinois license requirements such as federal migratory stamp, Illinois migratory stamp and Illinois non resident 5 day trip license.

Location: P.O. Box 476, Sikeston Missouri 63801 Telephone 573-380-0011 Toll Free: 866-207-7364

Other Sports and Sporting Events nearby:
(Union City) Don Finch Outdoors
(Sikeston) Flying H Outfitters
(Sikeston) Flyway Hunting Club
(Sikeston) Flyway Hunting Club
(Sikeston-Miner) General Watkins Conservation Area
(Sikeston) Leven Cox's Duck and Goose Hunting

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